
Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an excellent stand-alone or adjunct treatment for hundreds of disorders and symptoms. As opposed to pharmaceutical or surgical treatments that can be depleting and overwhelming, Acupuncture is a supportive and nourishing option to treat the entire person.

Acupuncture is effective, safe, and a proven solution to acute problems as well as health maintenance and illness prevention.


At Whole Spirit Holistic, we focus on regulating the nervous system, which in turn regulates the hormonal system, which reduces inflammation, supports regenerative healing + pain reduction, and brings about an overall increase in health and vitality.

Conditions We Treat

  • Digestive disorders: gastritis and hyperacidity, heartburn, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea.

  • Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, recurrent chest infections, low immunity

  • Neurological, muscular and pain disorders: headaches, facial tics, neck pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, tendinitis, low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis.

  • Urinary, menstrual, and reproductive problems: painful periods, irregular cycles, PCOS, frequent UTIs, fibroids

  • Fertility and pregnancy: infertility, IVF, pregnancy support, labor prep, postpartum recovery, postpartum depression + anxiety

  • Mental health disorders: depression, anxiety, insomnia, OCD

  • Skincare + gentle aging: natural alternatives to Botox and fillers, holistic microneedling, facial cupping, red light therapy.

Acupuncture is especially useful in resolving physical problems related to tension, stress and emotional conditions.

What to Expect

-On your first visit, we will consult for 10-15 minutes about your reason for seeking Acupuncture, your medical history, and symptoms you are experiencing.

-You will then lie on a massage table, either face up or down depending on your symptoms, and I will place small needles in various places on your body.

-I will frequently check in with you to ensure you are comfortable, relaxed and at ease.

-If I sense an energetic need, I may use energy healing techniques to balance your system.

-I may use a heat lamp or infrared device to warm a body part.

-You will then be left to rest with the needles in place for 25-30 minutes.

-Most people find this part very relaxing and many will fall asleep. If you find your mind racing initially, this will almost always pass as you continue to rest.

-I will then return and remove the needles and perform any additional therapies such as cupping, massage, or moxibustion, if indicated.

-You will then be left to dress and we will meet again to complete payment and scheduling.

-Follow-up treatments follow a similar flow: consultation, treatment, adjuncttherapies, check-out.

-Most conditions will respond within 4-6 weekly treatments. The longer you have had a condition, the longer it may take to resolve.

-This is not always the case, though! Your treatment plan will evolve as your body responds and I get a feel for your healing timeline.

You are worthy of a body that feels good to live in.